Friday, January 29, 2010

and the first word is....

Diaper. Yep, that's Ruby-doo's first word. Diaper. she loves to play with the diapers, and try to dismantle them. And the other night she started saying "diaper" while playing with it.. Ben and I could hardly believe it, so we kept repeating it, and she said it over and over!! and AGAIN that next morning :) So, apparently it wasn't a fluke, ha ha.
Ruby has always loved her bath time, but the other night, she got so excited when she heard the water running (meaning it was tubby-time) that she could hardly stand it. So, we got her undressed right there by the tub, so that she could watch it fill up.. she was in heaven. and couldn't WAIT to get in..


Katherine said...

i love it.

Arian said...

LOVE it--super cute naked baby cheeks!