Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This is late...

but, better late than never. A few weekends ago we had a blast celebrating fall, and i only NOW have time to share :)

we went to the pumpkin patch with friends, and saw some farm animals, picked our own pumpkin, and went on a hayride. The highlight was petting baby chicks though.

meet "Pork Chop"

I made an apple crisp, and this is what happens when i make apple crisp from a recipe on the internet: i end up with 3 LARGE pans of it. Apparently the recipe i stumbled upon must have been made for a family of giants.

We carved pumpkins at our annual carving party! SO much fun

Someone got her first pair of shoes. I think they've actually been on her feet for all of about 7 minutes since we got them :)

Ben was out of town last week for work so it was just "Aunt Mae" and i and Ruby. Us girls managed to keep ourselves out of trouble, for the most part... but we SURE DID have fun!! But, ofcourse we were glad when Ben finally got back home. The munchkin gifted him with a GIANT grin when he walked in.

1 comment:

Arian said...

Suuuuper cute family pic!! Miss you guys!