Sunday, January 18, 2009

polka dots a-plenty

We've been working on Peanut's room for months now, and it's finally come together. We love it, and we're excited that it actually feels sort of like the vision we set out with :) always fun when that happens. Anyway, here are pictures of Peanut's room:

This is Ben's creation for Peanut, it was his idea when we saw these vintage Alphabet cards with animals on them one day. He did an AWESOME job figuring out how to display them all, and hang them up. though, a few of the animal choices are a little... odd.

so for the most part, Peanut's room is done. Now all we need is Peanut, ... and some diapers.

We also FINALLY took some pictures of the new flooring we had installed just before Christmas. long overdue (the pictures AND the flooring).

It totally changes the feel of the space, we're really happy with it.
in other news, Emigre has warmed up to "the belly". we think she and Peanut will be best buds.


The Revillas said...

The nursery AND the floors look awesome! Can't wait to see Peanut in his/her new pad ;-)

Arian said...

It looks GREAT!! He/she/it will LOVE it!