Friday, October 17, 2008


We have been totally lame about updating our blog lately... Probably because we've been getting ready to welcome another little saunders into our house!!! yahoo!! Yep, we've got a bun in the oven! and, the baby belly has ARRIVED. check out this photo. Emigre seems to have noticed something is different :)
We are BESIDE OURSELVES excited about little "Peanut's" arrival. We're busy working on rearranging home to get Peanut's room ready. (that's our name for baby saunders, since we've decided to be surprised by the baby's gender once he or she is born. We get so few huge surprises in life, we're going to milk it for all it's worth) The due date is February 6th. We thought the doctor was joking when he said that was the due date, since that also happens to be Grace's 30th birthday. We'll see when the little one decides to ACTUALLY grace us with his or her presence :)

Right now we're right at the 6 month mark. Peanut is kicking lots, and wiggling around, some times it's enough for Ben to feel too, which he is PUMPED about. Below, Ben has decided that it is VERY important for PEanut to have exposure to Led Zeppelin as early as possible.

We got a new camera to be ready to snap all kinds of photos of every move the PEanut makes, and we've been taking turns playing the role of Annie Liebowitz around the house. So naturally the belly and the dog are favorite subjects :)


maeklingler said...

Cutest. Sister. Ever.

The Revillas said...

Lookin good Mama Saunders! ;-)