Saturday, September 22, 2007

Just getting warmed up...

Here are few commercials to brighten your weekend.


Chloroform is really underutilized in commercials today.

I used to have one of these, though I don't recall wearing it with a tuxedo. I also have to admit that I have no idea who Anthony Geary is, but anyone who can pull that look off is o.k. by me.

There's more to come, including what might be the best commercial jingle ever written...


Daniel said...

Wow, wow and more wow. I am not sure that I will be able to sleep tonight after that one the wispering creepy guy freaking out over his acid-trip animal friends.

Anonymous said...

You don't know Geary b/c you aren't a daytime soap junkie... He's been on one of the big name soaps (I don't know them well enough to tell you which one, either.) for a couple of decades. Guess that commercial is for the women who've 'admired' him in his daytime stardom.........