Tuesday, July 20, 2010

there is typhoid in my fridge.

literally. Ben's getting ready to set off on some great adventures, and.. some of those adventures warrant the suggestion of typhoid pills by our doctor. He's pretty pumped for what's ahead, but i think it will be something that just can't set in for a while. More to come though...

Things at home are in full tilt. Work for both Ben and I is incredibly busy, and just never seems to slow down. But, we're trying to carve out as much time as we can to hang out as a family, and enjoy summer with Ruby. We have a new roommate too. Auntie Mae is now a permanent resident, and she has her own sweet "bachelorette pad" in the basement. it's awesome. And it didn't take more than a couple of days for Ruby to figure it out, so she loves to knock on the door to the stairs and yell "Mae!". She knows just how to make her auntie melt into a puddle of goo.

We've been trying to work in as much sweet corn into our dinners as humanly possible lately, since we realized how much Ruby likes it :)  (but, it's always served along WITH other things, ha ha) Apparently when you've got Klingler genes, the ability to eat corn on the cob is innate.

We spent the fourth of July weekend with my parents in Granville, which was great. Ruby loved the little street fair they have every year, even if it did feel like an armpit outside. But, my parents got Ruby a SWEET kiddie pool that had a slide and a giraffe-head-sprinkler, and boy did she love it! Don't you remember that feeling of trying to go down the slide, and getting "stuck"? This video brought back memories.

For now we're really focusing on finally getting our new place just the way we want it, so we've been keeping ourselves really busy. But, it's paying off, and it feels great to check things off of our to do list! We're also doing LOTS of reading these days. Ruby is semi-obsessed with books, but... only certain ones. There are a handful of books she will read over, and over, and others.. she just has no patience for. So, "BOOK!!" is one of her favorite words right now. We're also learning lots of new words. News ones pop out of her mouth pretty much every day. One of our favorites is when she says "YEAH!", she says it so much that occasionally she gets it in the right spot, and its hilarious. Another of our favorites is when she baa-aa-aa's like a sheep. its very realistic :)

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