Sunday, January 10, 2010

it's here...

we're walking!! here's the proof:

walking!! from Grace Saunders on Vimeo.

we're SO proud of our little Ruby! She took these first steps on New Year's Day. Starting off the year right. I guess that was a good preview for us of what the rest of this year will look like :)

We had a great time over the holidays, even with all of the travelling. We saw grandparents, aunts, uncles, great-grandparents, and cousins too! We celebrated Christmas 3 times, in addition to our 5-year anniversary, AND  New Year's Eve!! (even though Ben and i weret the only ones to see the ball drop) It was definitely a whirlwind.

There is a video in progress, with but we are crazy busy right now, so it's delayed for the time being. Afterall, we've got a first birthday party to plan!!!

Ruby went on her first plane ride too, and she was a champ! Although, on the way home Delta held everyone on the plane, on the tarmack for about 2 hours before they let us leave, and everyone was kind of fried. Ruby did great for THOSE two hours, but then once we took off, it was melt-down city. I guess she was only saying out loud what we were all feeling :)

So, we had fun, but we're glad to be home now :)

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