Monday, June 23, 2008

The case of the disappearing burrito...

So earlier this evening we enjoyed Chipotle for dinner and, as usual, Grace had about two and a half inches of burrito left over. The leftovers were on the coffee table when we went into the office for a matter of minutes. We returned to find a solitary piece of foil and a very content puppy. What is most disturbing (aside from how upset Emi's stomach is going to be) is the fact that there was no evidence of a struggle. Not even a stray grain of rice remains. She managed to completely devour about a third of a burrito on the coffee table and make less of a mess than I usually do.


maeklingler said...

Hilarious. I hope there wasn't any evidence later on...if you know what I mean. Well, with Emigre "evidence" is almost a guarantee, isn't it?

The Revillas said...

Chipolte 2 days in a row? Ben better be organizing like crazy to earn that . . .