Sunday, July 29, 2007

the story of lucy big pants

This is the story of how i got the nickname lucy big pants. Keep in mind most of this originated in the depths of Colonel Saunders' mind... that will help this all make sense. When Ben and I were engaged ( i can't remember exactly when this occurred) Robb decreed that he would call me Lucy henceforth. I never fully understood his reasoning, nor did i (or do i expect to) receive an explanation. This is just the way it is, and will be :) I have even received mail addressed to "Lucy Saunders". Recently my boss left our company and we have not yet filled her position, so until such decision is made i have been filling that role in my office. So, that gives me a lot more responsibility, etc. When we told Ben's parents about this his dad responded that i am now "wearing the big pants". This has become a running joke "Lucy Big Pants". On our recent visit to Mass, Robb presented me with an envelope.. and i opened it i discovered fake business cards which donned the name "Lucy Big Pants", and my position was labeled "art director extraordinaire" We all had a big laugh over this...

Monday, July 23, 2007

Is 'Slogger' a word?

If it isn't already, a new term has just been coined in reference to our recent slacking with regard to updating the blog (thanks Dad). The next weeks are going to be pretty busy as I will be working on an independent film in addition to my regular job. My first night of shooting is tomorrow, I'm hoping it goes smoothly. Fortunately, I have some experience with sleep deprivation (73 hours-long story) so I should be fine. Speaking of college, this picture is for you Koch-enjoy :-)

Friday, July 06, 2007

A Prayer Request

For those of you who don't know, several of the people we like are currently in Africa with a group from Crossroads. We were just notified that they arrived safely (with their luggage intact). So if you can remember please keep them in your prayers this week-they get back Saturday the 14th. You can read updates from the trip on And if you're the kind of person who likes to pray specifically, their names are Mae, Greg, Steph, and Paul.

Cincinnati Habitat for Humanity Project

These are a couple of the segments I produced for the Cincinnati Habitat for Humanity project a couple of weekends ago. The other parts are also on youtube if you're interested.

Monday, July 02, 2007

While we're in the mood for alligator...

This picture is from an eye-catching albeit somewhat disturbing promotional campaign for a zoo somewhere in Europe. Apparently there was a guy walking the dog passing out discount flyers for the zoo. Something along the lines of "visit the zoo before it comes for you." This would make a great Halloween costume.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

A quick apology

It seems like we owe everyone who has posted a comment an apology. I just realized that your (sometimes) witty and clever comments were waiting for us to approve them before they were published. And to think that we'd spent all this time feeling neglected and badmouthing you behind your backs. so sorry for the delay, and we promise to be better now that we know which buttons to push.

Alligator:0 Me:1

That's right, I said alligator. Grace and I joined some friends for dinner at the Knotty Pine on the Bayou, and we sampled the fried alligator. I'm not usually one for exotic meats, but that seems to be a trend when we eat there (last time it was frog legs). I know its not fear factor or anything, but it is certainly a step toward adventurous for me. And if that wasn't odd enough, it turns out our waitress has quite a reputation as a coleslaw wrestler. I love Kentucky.