If we haven't seen you since January, then we might not have had a chance to share with you our most recent and very exciting news. I (grace) got a GREAT new job at Cincinnati Magazine. I'm the assistant art director. This is a great big step up for me as this magazine is much larger, published twice as often and part of a huge company. I get to work with a staff FULL of people who are great at what they do, and i have TONS of opportunity here. Its a HUGE blessing! Still SO excited about it.
In case we haven't seen you in even longer, the local start-up men's magazine i was designing closed it's doors unexpectedly a few days before Christmas. After some initial panic during the holidays, I began freelancing at Cincinnati Mag. So, i was really only "off" for like.. 5 days, heh! Anyway, after a few weeks of freelancing I was offered a full-time job, and jumped at the offer :) loving it, absolutely loving it there.
Other than that, the saga of painting (and re-painting) our home is done.. all is painted to our satisfaction except for one remaining wall. who knows when we'll get around to that. In the last two months we had SEVERAL "extreme painting weekends" but it was totally worth it. So, one year, what seemed like 523 paint cans, and 2 doubly re-painted rooms later.. we're glad to move on to FINALLY hanging stuff on our walls.
In other news, I'm one year closer to 30 (which is when i will officially stop counting, just kidding) and LOST is back from it's long and painful hiatus. We celebrated both events last week, shortly after a good dumping of snow. Feeling inspired by the pristine white slopes near our house I decided to try and go sledding, somehow. So i rummaged around and pulled out an old cookie sheet, "this should work!". wrong. i got about 15 inches, and then it drove itself into the ground. I learned an important lesson about the physics of sleds... that's why they were always so long... which i often wondered about when lugging them back up the hill, behind a steady stream of other kids in giant snow-suits and hot-sticky face mask hats, that seemed a LOT bigger than it did while sledding in the other direction.
We've been attempting to try out a hip restaurant in town called Honey for a couple weeks now. It's sort of a happy-birthday-congrats-on-the-new-job-happy-valentines-day thing. Well mother nature has some sort of great opposition to this. We planned to go last tuesday - SHOT DOWN by the huge storm which had folks stuck on the highways for up to 6 hours. We tried to go Friday night - SHOT DOWN by a long line that would have outlasted the restaurants hours of operations. We planned to go tonite and beat the valentines rush - SHOT DOWN by another storm, this one threatening ice instead of snow. We decided that we may have to TRICK mother nature by referring to Honey from here forth as "McD's". we'll see how that works.