Tonite we bought Ruby these pajamas that we found when we were out, that sport her name on them. Growing up i always wanted to find items that were pre-fabricated with MY NAME, but.. they didn't exist. And every time i'd see some cheesy display of name magnets, name t-shirts, name mugs.. you name it, i'd look for my name. But, nobody was selling pre-fab stuff with my name at that time. So, when i saw these pajamas, i immediately thought of that. And, we had to get them. Also, they're ridiculous-cute, and make her look even more like a kiddo, and less of a baby. Which, i can't decide if i'm alright with or not. ANyway, here they are.

this one is Ruby in the middle of an arm-flapping explosion of happiness:

Work has been a bit overwhelming since we got back into town, so i haven't made much time to update the blog. But, things are good. Ruby continues to grow like a weed. Her biggest recent milestone is that she's crawling now. It's hilarious, and makes me crack up almost every time she does it. It's like watching someone who has limbs with minds of their own attached to them, and they can't figure out really how they work, but they're SO glad that they DO work. We have some video that we'll get up here soon. So, she wants to crawl around and explore everything now, of course. Especially dog toys, and the actual dog. Those two are fast becoming best buddies. Here she's decided to crawl over my leg to get to.. SOMEthing.