we learned a memorable parenthood lesson tonite. we decided to go for thai food and some new baby toys tonite. So, we found a new place we were ready to try, and sat down, ordered, in the middle of some pleasant conversation and a very happy, content baby. then, a little fuss, and i caught a whiff of what she'd been working on, a full diaper. SO, i check out the restroom only to discover that it's not baby-changing-friendly. So, i pick her up out of the car carrier seat, to head outside to change her in the back seat. And then i spot a giant poop-stain on her side... As i walk out to the car i think " i hope we didn't take those extra clothes out of the bag"... somehow knowing that we did. And wondering what that would mean since she was wearing a one-piece. and i was right. So, after i get her into a clean diaper in the parking lot i just sort of stood there staring at my little naked baby on the backseat of the car, smiling up at me.. hoping that if i thought hard enough i'd remember somewhere we had stashed some extra clothes. Since the only other clothing in her bag was a jacket i put that on first, still hoping for genius to strike. and then i found that my only other option (Aside from walking a half-naked baby into a somewhat nice restaurant, and past nice people eating their dinners-which i couldn't bring myself to do) was to wrap my nursing cover around her, and hope it looked like she was just bundled in a blanket. As, i had also left her blanket in the restaurant with her carrier seat. As soon as we walked back in Ben looked at my smirk and knew exactly what had transpired. So, once we sat down, i popped her back into her carrier seat, and just covered her up with her blanket. No big deal.
or so i thought. THen i realized that Ruby refused to keep our little secret-that i was a poorly-prepared mom, and she was ready to out me to the world. That little stinker thought it was hilarious to kick her leg until she got the blanket off over and over. WHenever we watched her she would pretend she couldn't get it off, and as soon as i'd look away to eat, POOF! there was her diaper and bare legs showing again. along with a really funny little grin on her face. I read that her sense of humor is beginning to develop now that she's almost 4 months old, and tonite was evidence of that :)
the lesson is: always, ALWAYS make sure you're prepared for blowouts.