I've accomplished something i wasn't sure would ever work. I pulled off a mini surprise party for Ben, and he actually enjoyed it!! this is a serious coup for me, an admitted "teller". I am HORRIBLE at keeping secrets, not to mention i hate having to do it anyways. And Ben, being your sneakier than average hubby, is usually incredibly good at foiling my schemes. Here are a couple of photos. I decided to pair up his two favorite things: burritos and bowling. Above are some of our buddies who joined us for the festivities, and the custom t-shirt i designed for the occasion :) (check out the exclamation mark made out of a burrito and a bowling ball, sorry for the sub-par photo of it) it sure was a great time!
life has been and continues to be ultra-crazy for both of as at work. Ben is working on setting up all the new equipment and systems at work, as well as all of his video projects, and learning all that new equipment to boot this week. I am still in the process of redesigning the magazine, though i can finally say that we are nearing the end of the process, which is a great feeling since this has been a huge project and i've been working on it now for almost 5 months, along with the regular issues of the magazine. Someone share a great analogy that fits perfectly "it's kind of like changing a tire on a car that's still moving".
well, that's our update for now!